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Imagine this scenario:

You have something really vital you want to share. You walk into a room with 1,000 people in it, many chatting with each other, some watching the video on a side stage, some reclining in easy chairs with a glass of wine dissing the politicians of the day, others off in a corner with that guru who has a similar message to share.

Now imagine this scenario:

You have something really vital you want to share. You walk into a room with 30 people in it. They have been waiting for you to arrive because they heard you were going to be presenting your topic so they hush immediately, take seats and are waiting eagerly for you to begin before you reach the podium.

Which room would you rather enter?

Which group will give you their undivided attention?

Which group will be more likely to buy your product or service?

Precisely. Which is why you need to know exactly who your target audience is before you put yourself out there.

This is just one of the skills you’ll gain in “Sassy, Savvy & Successful at 60!” launching in the Spring of 2016.