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Do not wait: the time will never be ‘just right’. Start where you stand, and work whatever tools you may have at your command and better tools will be found as you go along.” ― Napoleon Hill

How often in your life have you waited to do something?

  • I’ll buy a house when I have $$this much saved.
  • I’ll try that restaurant when Friend A is available.
  • I’ll change jobs in the Spring.

It seems you can’t do it right now, that some designated time in the future will be better.

Why is that?

  • Talk to a mortgage broker and a realtor and find out what your real numbers look like – you’ll be surprised!
  • Call Friend B – she might be excited at the invitation and make a great dinner companion and Friend A might appreciate the restaurant evaluation from a trusted source.
  • If you want to change jobs, start that ball moving now – by Spring you will thought of a few more reasons why not to take action.


So often we think another time, or maybe even a certain other time, would be better than the one we are currently in to take an action.

It has a lot to do with our comfort zone and our ability to push ourselves outside our comfort zone.


Carpe diem!! Seize the day!!

Starting an on-line business falls into this category.

  • I’ll try it next year when I know about if I got that promotion.
  • I’ll look into it when I know my children are moving across country.
  • I should probably take some courses before I make that decision.
  • I need to decide what I can sell on-line.
  • I have to figure out what to tell my friends first because they’ll laugh at me.


Carpe articulum!! Seize this moment!!

Lack of information has got to be one of the most paralyzing issues for anyone wanting to make a decision. Procrastination comes from fear of the unknown, or uncertainty about our abilities!

If you were off on an adventure, or a hot date… you would be up early, excited, planning every part of the preparation.

Why can’t you do that with something that has the possibility of adventure and a great future?

I would suggest it is a combination of two things: one is the unknown and two is the possibility of failure.

Either way I’d say this is a learning experience. The unknown can be cured. You will not fail if you bring a powerful determination with you. Worst possible scenario is that you really don’t like this space or building an on-line business and you fold it… that’s not failure, that’s recognizing a personal trait and acting on it.

Money is not an object. Yes, you need some to start, but it is not out of line.

YOU need to decide YOU want to give this a go. NOW. Not tomorrow, not next month, not next year. NOW! “Start where you stand, and work whatever tools you may have at your command and better tools will be found as you go along.” I know, from experience, that this is true.

Take the first step and book a 30 minute chat with me. We will discuss where you are now and why you want to do this and what sort of possibilities there might be for you.

Click this Contact link or the one at the bottom of the page.

By the way, I forgot to mention this first session is Free.

Now what’s your excuse?