Last post I mentioned the new “digital lifestyle” training program I was checking out.
One of my reasons for being enthusiastic was because one of the co-founders was a young Canadian fellow I had come across when I first came online a few years ago. He was likeable then and even more likeable now!
In this endeavour he has teamed up with a young Brit, and their combined brain-power and enthusiasm is absolutely amazing. Equally amazing (and very cool) is the sincerity with which they present their “stuff”. Add to that, the quality of the modules/tutorials that I am going through… well, Wow! comes to mind – it is so thorough, but at the same so digestible! and I am doing things quite easily that I have struggled with for a couple of years!! 😎
One of the stories I just came across is a story I remembered from a few years ago and I wanted to share it with you here: read about Jane Ball here now. The article references Jay Kubassek – he’s the young Canadian I mention above – and ProU – that’s the program he was developing when I came online several years ago.
If the article (or I) have piqued your curiosity, check out this website I built with a few clicks of my mouse – it has way more info than I can relate here!!