Almost 25 years ago, my youngest daughter received a special book as a gift. Miss Rumphius is a beautiful story about a fictional woman whose grandfather advised her to “do something to make the world more beautiful”. This goal seemed elusive for her for many years… and then she discovered the beauty of sowing lupines and their ability to multiply as the seasons went by. She became known as The Lupine Lady, and a legend in her village. The closing lines are the words of a young girl, the great niece of Miss Rumphius, who has just received the same advice about making the world a more beautiful place: “But I do not know yet what that can be.”
The concept was the subject of great discussion with my children whenever we read the story. Like Miss Rumphius herself and her great-niece, my children pondered what they could do to make the world a more beautiful place. The concept is thought-provoking enough to warrant the book’s use in Philosophy For Children classes.
I truly believe that this small book presents a very important challenge. Whether beauty comes in the form of flowers or happiness or creativity or kindness or something else seemingly intangible, we should all strive to “do something to make the world more beautiful”.
This, to me, represents my third WHY. It is bigger than ourselves and it needs to have some element of selflessness. It should be a part of all our lives, and we should inspire those around us to embrace the same concept.
It is very important to include it in your business plan because of the sheer scope of the internet. How can you develop your business so you can fulfill the personal why of creating more income – for visiting distant family, or creating comfort for another generation, or giving yourself comforts you doubted could ever be yours… and also create a benefit for someone else?
That’s the beauty of this – it doesn’t have to be grandiose, extravagant or far-reaching. How can you develop your business so you can help just one other person have something better in their lives?
One person is all it takes. News travels, the concept takes on a life of its own, and before you know it, you have done “something to make the world more beautiful”. Whether you give a helping hand, teach something, inspire someone… you have accomplished the goal of Miss Rumphius.
And if you can do it once, you can do it again!
It is a brand new year as I write this. Don’t make any grandiose resolutions that are either too challenging to keep or that you are unprepared to tackle.
Throughout each and every day look around and see what you can do to make the world more beautiful. As you take small steps, or big strides, consider being able to call that your “work”.
It is amazing when “work” can become a “calling”, and that calling becomes a whole new career.
What do you think?