The very first component of creating an on-line presence was, for me, a group called The Renegade Team. The Renegade Team is led by an amazing woman named Ann Sieg, and she seemed to speak to me right from the get-go. To this day I can’t remember where I discovered her but her free offer was called the “Attraction Marketer’s Manifesto”. I inhaled that and in no time flat I ordered her “Renegade Network Marketer”. It was somewhere within that publication that I had an incredible Aha! moment. I have owned home-based businesses before and I have joined multi-level marketing companies when their product was amazing and a good fit for my business… but I never really made that transition from struggling entrepreneur to successful marketer. Ann’s theories explained why and her solution made absolute sense. I knew I had to pursue this, and I knew that pursuing this would be my ticket to being the entrepreneur I always wanted to be.
Have you ever heard of Attraction Marketing? I certainly hadn’t. I had, however, spent many hours spouting company rhetoric over a product or a service that I did honestly believe in. I had spent more hours not spouting company rhetoric because I really like my friends: my ‘warm’ market. As I became a more familiar with Attraction Marketing I realized that in one of my entrepreneurial forays I had actually been an expert, I had been the person complete strangers stopped for advice on my niche. It was in the days before internet marketing however, and I certainly had no concept of Attraction Marketing. It sure hit home, though, that if I could do it once unintentionally, I could certainly do it again, intentionally! Especially with the support of Ann Sieg and The Renegade Team.
Curious if you’re an “expert”? Wondering if you have a “niche”? Have you heard of “Attraction Marketing”? Click the links and start reading!