My last few posts have been about the work involved in starting an on-line business. There is also a lot of fun you can have as well.
Some time ago I entered a Video Challenge. I find that entering challenges is a really good way to kickstart something new in business, or keep you producing content. In a challenge, you also think about quality and that is never a bad thing!
Today is Sunday in my world so I figured it would be a good day to relax and have some fun. The following video is an “instructional” video I created for the Video Challenge, strictly tongue in cheek.
I want you to know that the silly sides of your personality are allowed to shine through, even in business. It does help your readers see another side of you.
Enjoy the video!
The best part of making this video was that these sea lions are quite the attraction so there were a lot of people on the dock. Parents were pulling their children out of my way, I was treated as a serious videographer… all so I could lip-sync a fun video for some colleagues!
Thanks for stopping by, now go have some fun in your business!
Got the message. Good point about back drops. Make them appropriate.
Love it!
And for those of us that speak ‘sea lion’ they actually have a valid point!
Hmm, interesting that you agree with them, Lorraine. I liken them to those people who talk fast and too loud and then think they won their point because you walk away. 😀
Loved this one when I first saw it in our video challenge and it still makes me chuckle.
However, the serious message is clear, there is alot to take into account when choosing your background for a video!
This one’s for you, Helen!! 🙂
I agree with both thoughts.
1. We should have fun and let our business community see that side of us.
2. A challenge is great. You meet new people, create massive content, learn something new, and get out of our comfort zone.
I signed up for the Video Challenge too but by Day 2, my grandmother entered hospice and my focus turned to caring for her 24/7.
I plan to register again – it looks like it was fun.
I’m so sorry about your grandmother, Linette, but what a gift that you could be there for her. You will always have that memory.
As for business, you get used to be outing of your comfort zone, don’t you!
That is something I am yet to do.. Some serious outside shooting.. infront of people… that’s the hard bit.. right?
William, once I accepted video into my life, I started seeing opportunity everywhere! That’s how I came to make the “What Would Help You Get Started” video. Staying behind the video camera was an easier way to find a comfort level. If you are worried about what people are thinking, go somewhere where no one knows you – anonymity helps!! Day after tomorrow I will post another “behind the camera” video that I morphed into a business angle.
I would say that the video challenge worked really well for you.
Do let me know when you hear of another video challenge. I really should learn to, and get in the habit of doing videos.
And yes, I believe that all activities should be balanced. All work and no play makes jack a dull boy. So some fun is necessary.
Thanks, Shimari! and I have put my video coach on notice that she needs to organize a video challenge! Now that will be fun!
you are a natural!Great tipsX
Agnes this was cute and funny. It’s important to have a sense of humor in a business, because it gives it personality. Thanks for the laugh. 🙂
My pleasure!!
Hi Agnes, Video is something that I must start soon for my own Blog. Would love to take part in a video challenge sometime, I would be ever so grateful if you could point me in the direction of a Video Challenge, Thanks.
Will keep my ear to the ground, Paudie. Will check with my video coach too!
Awww. Love ’em, where was this? It’s amazing how many videos I STILL see though shot outside in traffic, or with music in the background, so you can’t hear the person properly. I prefer the honking sea lions to some of that!
Reya, these sea lions are residents of Fanny Bay on Vancouver Island on the west coast of Canada. We love them too!