I love being on-line.
There have been days when the getting there has been challenging, but all-in-all it is great.
The one skill that has always eluded me, however, was setting up my blog-site. I purchased two separate courses early on – turned out the first was already somewhat out of date… and the second was great but he still lost me long before I had a finished product to brag about. I am quick to admit my brain tends to glaze over when it is time to talk tech talk – if it is not laid out simply and step-by-step, I am a goner. I do, literally, need every step explained – do not expect me to make a technical assumption anywhere along the way.
So, it was with great excitement mingled with reasonable skepticism that I agreed to test drive a colleague’s new course. I’ll be honest, she wasn’t just a colleague, she was my very own web diva – Lorraine McNulty is her name – she’s the woman who has saved both of my websites from certain self-destruction after I had confused myself to the point of tears. I think she just knew that if Agnes could catch on with her course, then anybody could.
I pulled a domain out of my holding tank and went to work.
I am not ready to show this site to the world but I feel like I am really creating! I feel like I know what I am doing and I have a great feeling of accomplishment! Little things like headers and tag-lines, menus and sub-menus. This is still early days and I am so excited about what I have created!
The simplest way to get started with an on-line business is to jump in with both feet!
EasyPZ WordPress is a Made In Canada product. Not only is it cheaper than the other courses I bought, if I had this right from the get-go I would have saved a chunk of cash on professional web design.
Check it out! http://bit.ly/easypzwp
You may as well learn from my mistakes!!
Thanks for taking this for a test drive – I’m glad you liked it and that it helped.
Best wishes,
Agnes…you hit the nail on the head! Like you, techno babble sends me into pre-coma status! I need step-by-step instructions and to have a visual to go with it and the ability to do it over and over and over and…well you get the idea. I can be techno toddler in the privacy of my own home and no one needs to know! Easy PZ WP is just the ticket for me!