I have a question for you today.
When I started this post, I was going to ask you how you would answer this question. I was going to qualify it by saying I don’t mean “world peace” or “end child poverty”. Those are huge social issues that no one person can solve.
I think I was expecting answers like “create an on-line business that would ensure I, and many others, retire well”, or “fund a low-income housing complex in my city”. You know, tangibles that are very personal, and not completely out of this world.
After I created the picture quote, however, I received a message from the Admin of the site I use. His name is Joe and I’m actually planning on introducing him to you next week.
Joe’s comment was “I like when this question is asked around smaller achievements too.”
I then had to really think about what I meant when I asked the question. I decided Joe might be thinking I wanted to find a cure for Cancer, or fund education for every child under the poverty level in Canada. And of course, that’s not what I meant. (although that would be pretty cool!)
In reality, when I think of great achievements these days, I am thinking of more internal achievements. Like overcoming your own self-doubt in creating a truly exceptional business. Like discarding your current self-image and becoming the healthier, fitter version of you that you decided twenty years ago wasn’t in the cards. Like being the change you want to see in your favourite charity.
Joe’s follow-up comment was “When I think “great” I think of the end result/legacy and then work backwards…” I like that word “legacy”.
So now I am leaving this post a free-for-all.
- When you read the above quotation, what is your answer? or
- How often do you have something clear in your own head only to have others think it differently? or
- Do you feel your greatest achievements would be tangible, or intangible? and
- What is the legacy you want to leave?
I’m looking forward to the comments on this post!
It’s interesting how we interpret things in a different way.
I really like the concept of thinking of the end result and working backwards to make it happen. That seems a whole lot more attainable to me.
I would of started my business so much sooner so we would not have had the struggles with money over the years. Thanks for sharing Agnes. Anita
If I knew I couldn’t fail I would carry on regardless. I used to think my life was all about failure. Now I know it’s about education and the drive to change towards success. My attitude was wrong and that was holding me back. Mistakes are inevitable even if you “know” you can’t fail because that’s life! AND because we’re human.
Nice post with great message.
I don’t know.
I would have pushed myself much more when I first started building a business online for, like many, I certainly had many fears at the time…
I’m sooooo fortunate. I was brought up positive and SURE that anything I wanted to happen WOULD happen. My mother, particularly, taught us that we could achieve anything we wanted to achieve as long as we wanted it badly enough to grit our teeth and do things we didn’t want to do on the way. I’ve never even thought of ‘failing’….. she taught us that ‘the impossible just takes a little longer’. Great, very special woman.
Very thoughtful post, I don’t know because as hard as failure is we learn so much for it and generally better for the experience
Mmmm, I would like to be as focused on achieving some things as I am on achieving others. It seems when it is all down to me I am very determined, when it involves others I’m afraid of saying they will need that same determination.
Great post, thanks
If I knew I couldn’t fail I would have started this online business 50 years ago (was it around then ??)
Wow!! think of the success you would be now, Merle!!! 50 years ago means you would have invented the W.W.W.!!!
If I knew I could not fail, I would want to do something that has the biggest impact for good on the most people. Something that would make their lives better — help them to have the lives they dream of. I would not let my own insecurities hold me back.