All week I have been empathizing over the reasons why you can’t retire as you had hoped to / planned to.
I found an interesting site yesterday… felt like a good Friday-night-with-a-glass-of-wine type browsing…
Enjoy! (and I’d love to hear where you would like to retire if you could choose!)
Well looks like I made the right move from UK to Canada and thankfully we are quite a healthy nation but I’m not sure I like the numbers of people over 60 in the coming years – that will put a strain on a lot of services.
Do you know which is the top country – Sweden ranks 1 out of 91 but doesn’t get 100%?
Sweden is in top position!! I thought we were good, but BEST! 😀
I am already retired In Canada PEC would like to see? Its here
Oh Canada ……………
Hey, lucky You, Erika! did you choose Canada or end up here? Took a look at your FB page – the farm looks lovely!