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HTML – “abbreviation for hypertext markup language: a text description language that is used for electronic publishing, esp on the World Wide Web” (source:

When you read that opening line you had one of two reactions:

  1. Not sure what that is but it sounds cool! I wonder if I could do it!
  2. Glassy-eyed stare; let’s see if I can understand the next sentence.

Let me show you an example of the html version of a blog post:

This is the behind-the-scenes coding for the simple page you see when you visit a website:


Don’t go throwing in the towel before you’ve even begun! I asked a question and then I answered it!

If you have a bent for the tech side of on-line living, you may be acquainted with html and building a unique web-site will be easier for you.

If you are at all like me, however, you are going to be in tears if you even attempt to learn, understand and implement all the coding that goes into creating a website from scratch, especially one that reflects you and all you want to do on-line.

The good news is that there are people who understand html, speak it like it’s their first language and create all sorts of interesting designs from scratch!

Lorraine McNulty from Build-a-Blog is one of those people! She blows me away! She has been my web diva for a year and a half now and she still amazes me with what she can do! No stock themes for her!

And because she is used to having me as a client, she even designed a really basic course for those people who do want to give it a go with very little experience. EZPZ WP is something even I was able to handle and I created a fun website with a free theme. Check out the website here!

The good news for those of us who cannot get our heads around this on-line language, is as long as someone else puts together the actual nuts and bolts of the website, we can up-load our blog posts and do a variety of other things in plain English. And for those of us who don’t want to be totally reliant on our web divas for everything, Lorraine also gives us small easily-digested bits of info so we can do some things alone! After a while, even you will understand these instructions. (Here’s a sample!)

So, never avoid this on-line space because you think it takes a computer genius to create a website. So many parts are easily learnable, and like so many other things in life as you get used to the easy steps, the harder ones don’t appear so daunting!

So, quick! What does “html” mean?

Right, it’s computerese. And as long as you have Word you don’t need to know much html… is correct!!